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Journal articles and book chapters

Prain, G., Simon, D., Halliday, J., Drechsel, P. (2022) Investment priorities for research and innovation in urban agri-food systems: Toward more resilient cities in the Global South, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Volume 6 - 2022. Available here


Halliday, J. (2022). Urban food systems: the case for municipal action’, in Sage, C. (ed.) A Research Agenda for Food Systems, Edward Elgar Publishing


Halliday, J. (2022). Conceptualisations of urban food governance, in Moragues-Faus, A et al (eds.) Handbook of Urban Food Governance, Routledge.


Blay-Palmer, A., Halliday, J., Santini, G., Carey, J., Malec, R., Taguchi, M., van Veenhuizen, R., Young, L.  (2022). City Region Food Systems: Broadening the space for urban governance’, in Moragues-Faus, A et al (eds.) Handbook of Urban Food Governance, Routledge.


Blay-Palmer, A., van Veenhuizen, R., Halliday, J., Santini, G., (2022) Urban-rural food system convergence as vectors for sustainable transformation, in Droege, P. (ed.) Urban Agriculture and Regional Food Systems, Elsevier.


Blay-Palmer, A.; Santini, G.; Halliday, J.; Malec, R.; Carey, J.; Keller, L.; Ni, J.; Taguchi, M.; van Veenhuizen, R. (2021) City Region Food Systems: Building resilience to COVID-19 and other shocks. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1325.
Available here


Dubbeling, M., van Veenhuizen, R., Halliday, J. (2019) Urban agriculture as a climate change and disaster risk reduction strategy, Journal of Field Actions Science Reports, issue 20, 2019. Available here


Halliday J. (2019) Cities’ Strategies for Sustainable Food and the Levers They Mobilize. In: Brand C. et al. (eds) Designing Urban Food Policies. Urban Agriculture. Springer, Cham. Available here.


Halliday, J., Barling, D. (2018) The role and engagement of City Mayors in local food policy groups in England: comparing the cases of London and Bristol, in Barling and Fanzo (eds), Advances in Food Security and Sustainability, Volume 3, Academic Press (Elsevier). Available here


Halliday, J (2017) Chapitre 3 : Objectifs et leviers des villes pour une alimentation durable, in Brand et al (eds) 2017, Paris: Editions Quai.


Halliday, J. (2015) A new institutionalist analysis of local level food policy in England between 2012 and 2014, PhD thesis. City University London. Available here

Recent reports


Halliday, J.; Kaufmann, R. von; Herath, K.V. (2021). An assessment of controlled environment agriculture (CEA) in low- and lower-middle income countries in Asia and Africa, and its potential contribution to sustainable development. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Commission on Sustainable Agriculture Intensification. CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). Available here

Halliday, J., Gomes, M. (2020) A food systems assessment of the Sustainable Diets for All programme in Uganda and Zambia, Hivos and IIED. Available here


Halliday, J., Platenkamp, L., Nicolarea, Y. (2019) A menu of actions to shape urban food environments for improved nutrition, GAIN, MUFPP and RUAF. Available here.


IPES-Food (2017) What makes urban food policy happen? Insights from five case studies. International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems. Available here.


Moragues, A.; Morgan, K.; Moschitz, H.; Neimane, I.; Nilsson, H.; Pinto, M.; Rohracher,H.; Ruiz, R.; Thuswald, M.; Tisenkopfs, T. and Halliday, J. (2013) Urban Food Strategies: the rough guide to sustainable food systems. Document developed in the framework of the FP7 project FOODLINKS (GA No. 265287).


Recent magazine articles, blogs and advocacy 


Halliday, J., Emanuel, B. (2020) World Food Day 2020: We need to build a resilient post-Covid food system. Together. - RUAF Urban Agriculture and Food Systems, RUAF blog. Available here


Halliday, J., Joshi. D., Young, L., van Veenhuizen., R., (2020) A call for transformative actions on gender and inequality, Urban Agriculture Magazine 37, RUAF and WLE. Available here


Halliday, J., Torres, C., van Veenhuizen, R. (2019) Food Policy Councils: Lessons on Inclusiveness, in Urban Agriculture magazine 36. RUAF and WLE. Available here.



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